Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rice Wine Chicken Recipe

Dear Readers,

Today I am going to share a very simple Rice Wine Chicken Recipe. This recipe is normally served as a confinement food among Chinese. However, not to worry, anyone can consume it if you like the taste.

Here are the ingredients:
1. 1.5 kg of chicken 
2. 200g ginger (slice)

3. half bottle of rice wine (preferably sweet rice wine called "wong chow") - I am using Eu Yan Sang Ginger Wine today
4. 50g black fungus (soak and clean it before cutting into thin strips)

5. 20g Hua Tiao Chiew (another type of rice wine)

6. Sesame Oil
7. salt
8. sugar (1 tbs)
9. 100ml water (optional)

From left: sesame oil, Hua Tiao Chiew, Ginger Wine

Chicken, ginger and black fungus


Step 1: Heat up the sesame oil (3-4 table spoons) and stir in chicken. Fry for 5 mins. 
Then, put the chicken aside and discard oil. Clean the wok. 


Step 2: Heat up the sesame oil (3-4 table spoons) and fry ginger till fragant.


Step 3: Add chicken, Hua Tiao Chiew, ginger wine/rice wine and black fungus. 


Step 4: Add 100ml water and turn to low fire, cook for 15 mins. Ready to serve. 


Hope you try it out!


  1. Oh I love this !!!! I miss my mum! I am too lazy&busy to cook . Sigh!

  2. I missed this. Bought a bottle of Hua Tiao wine at the Korean market to cook this dish few weeks ago, but it didn't taste the same as my mom's sweet rice wine.

  3. i prepare this the different way. i have my own homemade yellow wine to start with. :) but i am not in malaysia now so this dish suddenly looks very nice to me as i don't cook chinese dishes often now. lovely blog!

  4. oh I should have read your food blogs more often! You make Chinese cooking simple, I grew up eating good Chinese food though I grew up in the Philippines. My mother cooks well, my father cooks well, everybody cooks well but I just think it's harder than science =p


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